Narendra Modi takes oath for third consecutive term as PM

Narendra Modi was sworn-in as prime minister for the third consecutive term, along with his 71 ministers, on Sunday evening.

Narendra Modi was sworn-in as prime minister for the third consecutive term, along with his 71 ministers, on Sunday evening. Prime Minister-designate for a third straight term as the head of a coalition government after two full tenures in which the BJP enjoyed a majority on its own. Mr. Modi, 73, equalled the feat of the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who won in the 1952, 1957 and 1962 general elections. After Mr. Modi, Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, Nitin Gadkari were among 35 other Cabinet Ministers who took oath on Sunday. 36 Ministers of State, and five Ministers of State (independent charge) also took oath of office. 

The Journey of Narendra Modi: From Humble Beginnings to India's Prime Minister

India, a country known for its vibrant democracy and diverse culture, has seen many leaders shape its destiny. Among them, Narendra Modi stands out as a dynamic and influential figure who has captured the hearts and minds of millions. As the Prime Minister of India, his journey from a humble beginning to the highest office in the country is truly inspiring.

Early Life and Background

Narendra Modi was born on September 17, 1950, in Vadnagar, a small town in Gujarat. Coming from a modest background, Modi's early life was marked by hard work and perseverance. He helped his father sell tea at a railway station and later ran his own tea stall. These early experiences instilled in him a strong sense of duty and determination.

Rise in Politics

Modi's political journey began in the early 1980s when he joined the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist organization. His dedication and leadership skills soon caught the attention of senior leaders, and he was inducted into the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Modi's strategic acumen and organizational abilities played a crucial role in strengthening the party in Gujarat.

Chief Minister of Gujarat

In 2001, Modi became the Chief Minister of Gujarat. His tenure was marked by significant economic growth and infrastructural development. He introduced various initiatives to attract investment and improve the state's industrial landscape. The Gujarat Model of development became a topic of national discussion, propelling Modi into the national spotlight.

Becoming the Prime Minister

In 2014, Narendra Modi led the BJP to a historic victory in the general elections, becoming the Prime Minister of India. His campaign focused on promises of economic reform, development, and good governance, resonating with a wide spectrum of voters.

Key Achievements and Policies:

Since taking office, Modi has launched several ambitious initiatives aimed at transforming India. Some of the notable ones include:

1. Make in India: Aimed at boosting manufacturing and creating jobs.

2. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A nationwide cleanliness campaign.

3. Digital India: Promoting digital infrastructure and services.

4. Jan Dhan Yojana: Financial inclusion for the unbanked population.

5. GST Implementation: Overhauling the tax system to create a unified market.

Challenges and Criticisms:

Like any leader, Modi has faced his share of challenges and criticisms. Issues such as economic disparities, social unrest, and questions about the inclusivity of his policies have been points of debate. Despite these challenges, his popularity remains robust among a significant portion of the Indian populace.

Vision for the Future:

Narendra Modi's vision for India includes making the country a global economic powerhouse, fostering innovation, and ensuring sustainable development. His leadership style, characterized by a strong central authority and a focus on development, continues to shape the political landscape of India.


From a tea seller in Vadnagar to the Prime Minister of the world's largest democracy, Narendra Modi's journey is a testament to the power of determination and hard work. As he continues to lead India, his story serves as an inspiration to many, illustrating that with vision and dedication, one can achieve great heights.

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